Wheel of Reason Activity: Analyze the Logic of Substantive Writing
Substantive Writing
Use this template for working through the logic of the profession, subject, or discipline now:

Point(s) of View:

Specimen Answer:

To communicate important concepts, and ideas to a particular audience.
How can I approach my writing so that I clearly communicate my ideas to my target audience?
Information about the assumptions, point of view, and general knowledge of the reader; information about the characteristics of good writing; information relevant to the thesis of my writing; information about how to effectively communicate ideas in writing.
Interpretations of the information we gather; conclusions we come to about the reader, about the assumptions the reader may bring to the reading, about the various points of view the readers may bring to the reading, about the background knowledge of the target reader; interpretations about the best ways to approach the content to clearly communicate the key ideas to the reader; interpretations of the information which form the key ideas of the written piece; key conclusions I am trying to communicate to the reader.
All the key concepts essential to developing my main points; all the key ideas about how to write well that I use in thinking through my main points and how to express them.
That the ideas I am communicating can be effectively communicated; that there are better and worse ways of communicating these ideas; that if I want to be a good writer I must be committed to writing and rewriting my work; that the ideas I am communicating are worth spending the time to communicate well.
If I commit myself to effective writing, I can become an effective writer. If I achieve my purpose, I may be able to transform the thinking of the reader.
Point(s) of View:
The point of view of a good writer (in other words looking at substantive writing as a complex process that one improves at through discipline and practice); the points of view relevant to the issues in the written piece.
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