Wheel of Reason Activity: Evaluate an Author's Reasoning
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Evaluate an Author's Reasoning
For each logic of an article, essay, text, evaluate the author’s reasoning using the guidelines and questions below. Note that the evaluation of reasoning requires adherence to critical thinking standards, or intellectual standards. See Criteria Corner for activities on these standards for all reasoning.
Analyzing Author
For one of the articles you have analyzed using the elements of reasoning wheel, evaluate the author’s reasoning based on intellectual standards. Use this template:

After identifying the author’s purpose, I believe the author’s purpose is/is not well-stated or clearly implied because... I believe the author’s purpose to be justifiable/not justifiable because... After identifying the key question which the written piece is focused on, I believe the question at issue to be well-stated (or clearly implied) or not well-stated because... I believe the question to be unbiased/biased because... I believe the expression of the question does justice/does not do justice to the complexities in the matter at issue because... The question and purpose are/are not directly relevant to each other. I say this because... After identifying the most important information presented by the author, I believe the writer does/does not cite relevant evidence, experiences, and/or information essential to the issue. In other words, the information is/is not accurate and is/is not directly relevant to the question at issue. I believe that the writer does/does not address the complexities in the issue because...
After identifying the most fundamental concepts at the heart of the author’s reasoning, I believe that the writer does/does not clarify key ideas when necessary. I believe that the author does/does not use ideas justifiably because...
After identifying the author’s assumptions I believe that the writer does/does not show sensitivity to what he or she is taking for granted or assuming (insofar as those assumptions might reasonably be questioned). I believe that the writer uses or refrains from using questionable assumptions without addressing problems inherent in those assumptions. I base these beliefs on...
After identifying the most important inferences or conclusions in the written piece, I believe that the inferences and conclusions made by the author does/does not jump to unjustifiable conclusions. I believe that the author does/does not consider alternative conclusions where the issue is complex. In other words, in my view, the author uses, or fails to use, a sound line of reasoning to come to logical conclusions. I can/cannot identify flaws in the reasoning somewhere. I base these beliefs on...
After identifying the author’s point of view, it seems to me that the author shows/fails to show sensitivity to alternative relevant points of view or lines of reasoning. I believe he or she considers and responds (or fails to consider and respond) to objections framed from other relevant points of view. I base these beliefs on...
After identifying important implications of the author’s reasoning, I believe the writer displays/fails to display sensitivity to the significant implications and consequences of the position he or she is taking. I base these beliefs on...